Thursday, July 22, 2010

Reflection Blog #14


2010Summer School:

1) What are you most proud of from these past 3 weeks? Why?
What I am most proud of from these past three weeks is that I accomplished to learn and understand problems that I had given up in understanding and thought that I would never be able to understand. The reason why I am proud of this is because accomplishing this made me feel good about myself when I felt down simply because I thought I was never going to catch up in Chemistry anymore.

2) Is your grade what you wanted? If yes, what did you do that helped you be successful? If no, what do you think you could have done differently to be more successful?
No this is not the grade that I wanted. The reason why I couldn't get the grade I wanted was because I was falling behind on my assignments when it came to doing blogs. This is because I did not have Internet access all the time therefore I could;t do my homework blogs.

Grading System:

1) Did you like the grading system for the class, or do you prefer the traditional grading system? Why?
I liked the grading system that was used in this class because it was more reasonable than traditional grading. I think it was more reasonable because I disagree with the fact that assignments are divided into categories that are worth different percentages.

2) Do you think your grade would have been higher or lower in you’d been graded traditionally? Why?
I think it would have been lower because like I said, i wasn't able to do some of the blogs and the points given for assignments are divided into different categories.

Hands-on Labs:

1) Did the ‘Lemonade Anyone?’ lab help you understand about Solutions & Dilutions? Why or why not?
I believe that this lab helped me understand the concepts of dilution. This helped me because in this lab we went through the procedure step by step therefore I understand how to complete dilution problems using this step by step procedure. Overall, this was a helpful and fun lab.

2) Did the ‘Household Acids & Bases’ lab help you understand Acids, Bases & pH? Why or why not?
Overall, this lab helped me understand how much easier it is to determine the pH of substances using these test slips instead of using various amounts of steps in an equation. I also learned more about substances that we used which I find important because some of the substances were liquids that we are exposed to daily.

3) After writing the two lab reports, do you feel prepared to write a lab report in Biology next year? Why or why not?
I feel very well prepared to write a lab report in biology next year because I have learned how to write lab reports that pleases the teacher, the reader, and myself.

4) How much effort do you think you put into performing and writing up the labs?
I put enough effort into performing and writing up lab reports because I always finished my lab packet and lab reports in good quality.

The ChemCollective Virtual Labs:

1) What did you like about using the virtual lab? Why?
What I liked about using the Virtual lab was that it was cool playing around the materials while learning what each substance would do once it reacted with another substances.

2) What did you dislike about it? Why?
What I disliked was that it once you messed up in a small detail (or big), you had to start remaking the substance all over again,from scratch.

3) Would the virtual lab have been helpful during the year in understanding various Chemistry concepts?
Yes, it would have definitely been helpful during the year because you get to see the actual substances react instead of imagining.

4) Why is it easier for a school to use the virtual lab instead of an actual lab set-up in the classroom?
I think it would be easier because the Virtual Lab is quicker therefore you would get through the lab quicker and in most cases, us students begin to forget about what is the next step since we took too long in the previous step.

Post-Test Blog #13

What skills do I need in order to be successful in 11th grade?
The skills that I need in order to be successful in the eleventh grade are time management, organization, concentration, and dedication.

1. How would I prioritize the skills that teachers generally focus on?

I think that I will priotize the skills by concentrating more in my work and less in having fun with my friends.

2. Justify which skills benefit my learning and which hinder my learning.

I think that the skills that benefit my learning are organiztion,time management, concentration, and dedication. The skills that will hinder my learning are going to be having fun while working because having fun while working can lead into having TOO much fun which will lead into an F.

How is Chemistry similar to Math?
Chemistry is similar to Math because both Chem. & Math have to go through equations in order to get to the answer.

1. Identify and explain the math involved in Molarity & Dilution.

A Logarithm scale is used in Molarity & Dilution to make it easier to understand.

2. How can I verify the equations for Molarity & Dilution through experimentation?

You can do a lab like the one we did in class which for the pH tests in order to create an equation due to the data that was found when experimenting.

3. Identify and explain the math involved in calculating pH?

pH=-log10[H+]. What you do for this equation iss simply plug in the the number given for the[H+] and multiply it my -log10.

How is writing a Lab Report like writing a 5-paragraph essay? Like the Habits of Mind?

Lab Report & Essay

  • A Lab Report is like writing a 5-paragraph essay because in both writings you have to start off with an introduction.
  • In an essay you need a thesis sentence and in a lab report you have to write a hypothesis so it's as if your thesis was like your hypothsesis.
  • In an essay you have 3 body paragraphs and in a lab you have to write your procedure and observation/data so it's as if the procedure and obsevations/data were your 3 body paragraphs.
  • Both an essay and a lab report need a conclusion therefore both the essay and the lab report have this in common.

Lab Report & Habits of Mind

  • Introduction--->Wonder
  • Marterials--->Innovation/Mindfulness
  • Procedure--->Innovation/Ownership/Perspective/Mindfulness
  • Observation/Data--->Evidence/Ownership/Perspective
  • Conclusion/Summary--->Ownership/Perspective

1. How does the order of the Scientific Method help organize my thoughts?

2. How effective is the Lab Report format?
I think the Lab Report format is VERY effective to me I use the format as a step by step format in order for me to get through the lab report.

3. Is there a better format for writing lab reports? Can I devise a new format and defend my reasoning for it?
I honestly don't think that there is a better format other than the one that we're using because with this format it's easy to relate to the Habits of Minds and typical essay that we're so used to doing in this school.

Household Acids & Bases Lab Report Blog #12


For this lab we had to find out if the nine substances that we had were either acidic or basic. How we were to figure out whether the given substances were acidic or basic was by using pH tests. My predictions were the following:
*Lemon Juice- Acidic
*Soda(Diet Coke)-Basic
*Tap Water-Neutral
*Bottled Water-Neutral
*Baking Soda-Acidic
*Drain Cleaner-Basic

  • 27 cups
  • Vinegar
  • Windex
  • Milk
  • Lemon Juice
  • Soda(Diet Coke)
  • Tap Water
  • Bottled Water
  • Baking Soda
  • Drain Cleaner
  • Stirring Stick
  • pH slips
  • Red Litmus slips
  • Blue Litmus slips
  • Pencil
  • Gloves
  • Goggles
  • Paper Towels
  • Acid and Bases Lab packet


First, Kristine chose who we were going to be working with randomly out a mug cup. Then we had to put our gloves on and goggles in order to be safe for this lab. My partner and I started off by using the pH slips in order to determine all of the substance's pH. Once we were done dipping a different pH slip for all the substances, we had to record our data in the appropriate chart that was in our lab packets. After, we rotated tables and we began working with the Litmus papers. For this part we had to dip in each a blue and a red Litmus paper for each substance and determine if it was acidic, neutral, or basic while recording our data as we went through all substances. If it was acidic, both the red and blue Litmus papers had to turn red. If it was neutral, both Litmus papers would stay in their original colors. If it was basic, both the red and blue Litmus papers would turn blue.

Later on we were given red cabbage dyed paper in which we also had to dip in and record our data in our charts. In the end, we were told to place each red cabbage dyed paper for each substance in a scale that was rated from 0-14, 0-6 being acidic,7 being neutral, and 8-14 being basic.


For this lab I noticed how the pH slips, Litmus paper slips, and red cabbage dyed paper slips were changing color due to each of their individual pH. When comparing my predictions and final data I found that i was correct about 5 out of 9 substances.

Predictions & Final Results

Vinegar-Acidic; Vinegar-Acidic
Windex-Basic; Windex-Basic
Milk-Neutral; Milk-Neutral
Lemon Juice- Acidic; Lemon Juice-Acidic
Soda(Diet Coke)-Basic; Soda(Diet Coke)-Acidic
*Tap Water-Neutral; Tap Water-Neutral
*Bottled Water-Neutral; Bottled Water- Acidic
*Baking Soda-Acidic; Baking Soda-Basic
*Drain Cleaner-Basic; Drain Cleanser-Basic


Overall, this lab helped me understand how much easier it is to determine the pH of substances using these test slips instead of using various amounts of steps in an equation. I also learned more about substances that we used which I find important because some of the substances were liquids that we are exposed to daily.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lemonade Anyone? Blog #11

For this lab report we had to figure out the amount of the lemonade powder we used in order to make lemonade in bottles. We also had to find out what would happen if we were to add the lemonade powder before the water and vice-versa. Our hypothesis was, "I think that the lighter the color, the fewer grams of mix."

  • lemonade powder
  • cup
  • scale
  • weighing paper
  • measuring cup (500mL)
  • 6 H2O bottles
  • spoon
At first, we had to measure the weighing paper's weight using the scale which in result was 0.7 grams. Then we took one tablespoon of lemonade powder and poured it on the scale and recorded the weight. For this step we had to subtract the weight of the lemonade powder by the weight of the weighing paper since we only needed to know how many grams the lemonade powder weighted in order to create our lemonade. After, we poured the lemonade in the measuring cup before we poured 400mL of water. The reason why we poured the lemonade powder before the 400mL of water was because if we poured the water before the lemonade powder, the volume of the lemonade would rise. Fourthly, we stirred the water and the lemonade power in order for it to mix. Once we stirred and made sure the lemonade powder and water were mixed, we poured the now lemonade back into the water bottle.

Later on, once all of our classmates had completed the lab individually, we were told to record the taste and color shades of each lemonade that was made by each of our classmates. We rated each lemonade's taste and color from 1-6, 1 being the weakest and 6 being the strongest. Then we all recorded our information and found out the grams of sucrose and citric acid contained in each bottle. Finally, the next day we all recorded all of our data on one chart that was written on the board and concluded the amount of moles of mix and the molarity of mix for each water bottle of lemonade that we created.

When doing this lab, I noticed certain small but important details. Two of those small but important details were using the scale correctly and adding the lemonade powder before pouring the water. Using the scale correctly was important because if you didn't line up the two lines in the scale, the weight of all your materials would be incorrect therefore your final weights and your data would be incorrect. Pouring the lemonade powder before pouring the water was strictly important because if this wasn't done correctly then it would mean that the volume of the solution would rise above 400mL.

I believe that this lab helped me understand the concepts of dilution. This helped me because in this lab we went through the procedure step by step therefore I understand how to complete dilution problems using this step by step procedure. Overall, this was a helpful and fun lab.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Acids & Bases Blog #8

Acids are basically substances that produce hydronium ions (H3O+), when you add the substances to water. Acids are known to have a sour taste and be corrosive to metal. If the substance is acidic, a litmus paper will become red. There is two types of acids, strong acids and weak acids. For every molecule in a strong acid there is one H3O+ ion created and for all the molecules in a weak acids there are only a few H3O+ .

Bases are substances that produce hydroxide ions (OH- ) when it is added to water. A base's characteristic's are described as slippery and a taste that's bitter. If the substance is basic, a litmus paper will become blue.There is two types of bases as well, strong bases and weak bases. A strong base has a 1:1 ratio and a base molecule creates one OH- ion. In a weak base, only a few OH- ions are created for all molecules.

A pH test is used to describe the relative acidity of a solution. To find the pH of a substance you used the following equation: pH= -log10 (H+).

Monday, July 19, 2010

Article #3 Blog Post #5

The article "The 'Solution' to Pollution is Still 'Dilution'" is about the C-SAW (Campaign to Safeguard America's Waters) campaign who's working on getting rid of mixing zones using dilution. A mixing zone is where "an area of a lake or river where pollutants from a point source discharge are mixed, usually by natural means, with cleaner water."
Read more: Mixing Zone - water, environmental, pollutants, EPA, chemicals, toxic, use
Dilution is the reduction in the concentration of a chemical (gas,liquid, solid). The reason why dilution is important in this context is because the C-SAW campaign is basically trying to stop mixing zones and by using dilution. C-SAW is currently working on helping fight a mixing zone in Puerto Rico for a municipal sewage treatment plan in the coastal town of Barceloneta.

Writing a Scientific Paper Blog #7

Read ONE of the two articles on writing a scientific paper then answer the following questions in paragraph form.

1) Which article did you read?

The article that I read was "Guidelines for Wrting a Scientific Paper".

2) How is the paper they suggest writing the same?

3) How is it different?

4) What are your thoughts on writing a scientific paper/lab report? Is there a better way to organize it?