Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dilution Problem 1 Blog Post #3

At first I tried to figure out what we had to do and I didn't understand how to do it so I decided to mess around with the materials given in the Vitural Lab to figure out what each tool would do. After I figured that out I had to figure out what each substance's reaction was so I chose to pour the several different substances directly in distillied water in order to see what would happen.

Since I had figured out how to use all of the tools given, I chose to start off on the given problem. I chose to pour 75.0mL of C6H1206 into a 250mL beaker. Then I poured 75.0mL of distilled water into the same beaker. After this I just subtracted 25.0mL of the 75.0mL until I was down to 5.0mL.

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