Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dilution Problem 2 Blog #4

For this dilution problem we had to prepare a flask containing 500mL of 3M HCl of a 3 M (+/- 0.005M) solution using a 2.5L bottle labeled "11.6M HCl". I honestly didn't do well in this Virtual Lab because I didn't understand what was exactly what we had to do so for this dilution problem what I basically did was pour small portions of 11.6M HCl and distilled water into a 500mL until got precisely 500mL of 11.6M HCl. Unfortunately this didn't work so well because I couldn't seem to get an even amount of 11.6M HCl and distilled water inside the 5oomL without the substances rising above the 500mL.

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